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Connecticut BEAD Challenge Portal


Welcome to the Broadband Equity, Access & Deployment (BEAD) Map Challenge Portal. The Challenge Process is now in the Rebuttal Phase. To submit a rebuttal, per the NTIA guidance, you must represent a broadband service provider, local government, tribal government, or nonprofit organization. Register now in less than 2 minutes. After your eligibility has been confirmed, you will be granted credentials to the platform from which you can submit rebuttals to challenged locations.

Review the program overview below to see the different challenge categories and types to ensure you submit the appropriate counter evidence. After the rebuttal window closes, challenges will be adjudicated, and the updated map will be used as the basis for allocating BEAD funding across the state. Please note that there will not be an opportunity to revise rebuttals.

Program Overview

Please note that the ability to rebut certain challenge types is limited based on challenger type:

  • For challenges related to location eligibility, only the challenged service provider may rebut the reclassification of a location or area with evidence.
  • If a provider claims gigabit service availability for a CAI or a unit of local government disputes the CAI status of a location, the CAI may rebut.
  • All types of challengers may rebut planned service and enforceable commitment challenges.

If a challenge that meets the minimum level of evidence is not rebutted, the challenge is sustained. A provider may also agree with the challenge and thus transition the location to the “sustained” state.

Area challenges for availability need to be rebutted in whole or by location with evidence that service is available for all BSLs within the census block group, e.g., by network diagrams that show fiber or HFC infrastructure extending to clearly identifiable geospatial information, or by subscriber information, and certification that the service installation to all BSLs within the area would be classified as a standard installation. For fixed wireless service, the challenge system will offer representative random, sample of the area in contention, but no fewer than 10, where the provider must demonstrate service availability and speed (e.g., with a mobile test unit). For MDU challenges, the rebuttal must show that the inside wiring is reaching all units and is of sufficient quality to support the claimed level of service.

DEEP will accept speed tests as evidence for substantiating challenges and rebuttals. Each speed test consists of three measurements, taken on different days. Speed tests cannot predate the beginning of the challenge period by more than 60 days. A service provider may rebut an area speed test challenge by providing speed tests, in the manner described above, for at least 10% of the customers in the challenged area. The customers must be randomly selected. Providers must apply the 80/80 rule, i.e., 80% of these locations must experience a speed that equals or exceeds 80% of the speed threshold. For example, 80% of these locations must have a download speed of at least 20 Mbps (that is, 80% of 25 Mbps) and an upload speed of at least 2.4 Mbps to meet the 25/3 Mbps threshold and must have a download speed of at least 80 Mbps and an upload speed of 16 Mbps to be meet the 100/20 Mbps speed tier. Only speed tests conducted by the provider between the hours of 7 pm and 11 pm local time will be considered as evidence for a challenge rebuttal.

Examples of permissible rebuttal evidence are listed below. Please read the Challenge Process Guide for more information.

  • Provider shows that the location subscribes or has subscribed within the last 12 months, e.g., with a copy of a customer bill.
  • If the evidence was a screenshot and believed to be in error, a screenshot that shows service availability.
  • The provider submits evidence that service is now available as a standard installation, e.g., via a copy of an offer sent to the location.
  • Provider has countervailing speed test evidence showing sufficient speed, e.g., from their own network management system. As described in the NOFO, a provider's countervailing speed test should show that 80 percent of a provider's download and upload measurements are at or above 80 percent of the required speed. See Performance Measures Order, 33 FCC Rcd at 6528, para. 51. See BEAD NOFO at 65, n. 80, Section IV.C.2.a.
  • Provider has countervailing speed test evidence showing latency at or below 100 ms, e.g., from their own network management system or the CAF performance measurements.
Data Cap
  • Provider has terms of service showing that it does not impose an unreasonable data cap or offers another plan at the location without an unreasonable cap.
  • Provider has countervailing evidence from their network management system showing an appropriate residential gateway that matches the provided service.
Business Service Only
  • Provider documentation that the service listed in the BDC is available at the location and is marketed to consumers.
Enforceable Commitment
  • Documentation that the provider has defaulted on the commitment or is otherwise unable to meet the commitment (e.g., is no longer a going concern).
Planned Service
  • Documentation showing that the provider is no longer able to meet the commitment (e.g., is no longer a going concern) or that the planned deployment does not meet the required technology or performance requirements.
Location is a CAI
  • Evidence that the location does not fall within the definitions of CAIs set by the Eligible Entity or is no longer in operation.
Location is not a CAI
  • Evidence that the location falls within the definitions of CAIs set by the Eligible Entity or is still operational.